
Annual Report 2023

Youghal Blue And Green Community Network Annual Report 2023

Thank you to all the many members and staff who contributed, edited and developed this report.  A lot of work went into this report by many people. Enjoy the read and pass on to others.

The Youghal Blue & Green Community Network is a group dedicated to building resilience to climate change through community engagement and action. In 2023, they organized over 560 events, including workshops, walks, forums, and film screenings, with over 3,400 participants.

The Network has 25 member organizations and 22 individual members, who collaborate on projects such as water monitoring, tree planting, and community gardens.Key initiatives in 2023 included:

  • A Community Garden, which has grown to include approximately 64 members and has produced harvests such as tomatoes, garlic, and cabbage.
  • A Circular Economy project, which received funding to develop a Community Circular Economy Action Plan.
  • A successful application for an Electric Vehicle (EV) bus, which complements the existing Community Bus service.
  • Youghal Climate Action Week, which included tree planting, beach cleans, workshops, and a cinema evening.
  • A Creative Climate Action project, which showcased Blue & Green creative climate action at the Irish Museum of Modern Art and began the Pathways: Creating Community Resilience project.
  • Water monitoring in the River Tourig, led by a member with support from the Local Authority Waters Programme.
  • Working with schools, which included beach surveys, visits to the Community Garden, and hosting Transition Year students.

he Network also provides support to community members, such as Clean Coasts, Community Bus, CRY104fm Community Radio, and local schools. They look forward to working with the community in the coming year

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