Membership & structure

The Network is open to representatives of community organisations and individuals who are committed to active engagement in the Network and working collectively on blue and green actions. Members are those who are committed to the above vision, aims, objectives and in proactively working together.

The need for a “Blue & Green Community Network” has come about because of the realisation that the web of life is being seriously damaged by human beings’ unsustainable lifestyle, and the related realisation that while this will affect us all, it is already causing enormous suffering for many of the poorest people on earth, people who have done least to bring about the problem. Our work involves helping people gain some knowledge about what is happening and some understanding of how and why it is happening and developing ways of constructively responding to these challenges.


Terms of Reference

  • Area: Wider Youghal Area
  • Membership: The Network membership is open to representatives of community organisations and individuals who are committed to active engagement in the Network and who have an interest in any of the following: Climate Change, Environment, Woodlands, Ecosystems, Coastal and Marine Life, Biodiversity and Conservation, Air and Water Quality, Energy and Waste reduction, Recycling, Up-cycling, Rivers, Circular and alternative socio-economic systems.
  • Members can join by requesting membership of the Network. If the network meeting agrees, contact details must be provided and personal details will be added to the group.
  • Members commit to monthly meetings (or as scheduled) on Weds from 8pm to 9pm. These are mostly on zoom and face to face meetings will take place also every few months.
  • Attendance at Network meetings will be reviewed every six months. Non-attendance at meetings for three months consecutively without contact will end membership automatically.
  • Community reps are expected to report back to their organisations, keeping them informed and involved in Youghal Blue and Green Community Network. Also opportunities for involvement of all members of all organisations should be promoted when available e.g. training/workshops/webinars.
  • The ethos of Network will be one of co-operation, support for each other, respect, listening, sharing information and working with others to complete tasks.
  • The Network will operate as a collective and will make decisions through discussion, debate and then ideally by consensus. (A majority voting system may be used if agreeable and votes must be over 70% to pass. Community reps will have three votes and individuals will have one). Any action to be undertaken must be agreed by the Network meeting.
  • A quorum will be 5+1 members for any decision to be made.
  • Youghal Blue and Green Community Network will be chaired by Maria Power, Cumann na Daoine for 2021/22.
  • New Chair will be elected in March 2023.
  • Maria Power (employee of Cumann na Daoine) will support the work of the Network by allocating two days a week to doing the work of the Network. This will include inviting agreed speakers to present, assisting with funding applications and updating members with regular information. (Maria will also support the Network to develop a work-plan and strategy over the coming year).
  • Maria will provide quarterly written reports on the work of the Network to Cumann na Daoine, Cork County Council (funder) and Network members.
  • Any financial matters and funding will be managed by the finance dept at Cumann na Daoine. A summary of accounts will be provided by the finance administrator on request and regularly if transactions increase. All funds at Cumann na Daoine are audited annually and these audits are available to view on the Companies Office and Cumann na Daoine website.
  • Cumann na Daoine is a company limited by guarantee, is governed by a voluntary board of directors, is fully compliant with the Code of Governance and the Charities Regulator.
  • Publicly available annual reports are also produced by Cumann na Daoine.

Officers 2021 – 2023

Chairperson: Dr Maria Power, Cumann na Daoine (and Network support 2 days per week). Secretary: Teresa Ahearne (who will take and send out minutes of meetings) Treasurer: Maureen Jackson (who will review the B&G CN account quarterly) Communications/PR: Hayley Fox-Roberts (who will promote Network activities across platforms)

Overview – Three Pillars of Work

Renewable Energy

  • Energy Master Plan – Community Opportunities
  • Community Organisations – Reduce Energy Usage
  • Increase Renewable Energy Usage
  • Decarbonisation Zone / Renewable Energy Town

Coast | Marine | Water

  • Flooding – Community Resilience Plan & Workshops
  • Marine Protected Area
  • New Recycling and Cleaning Equipment for Beaches
  • Sand Dunes
  • Fresh Water Monitoring

Renewable Energy

  • Tree Planting
  • Community Garden
  • Zero Waste Festivals / Campaigns
  • Increased Biodiversity
  • Regular hosting of workshops, training, webinars and discussion in relation to all topics i.e. engagement
  • Physical Information Hub At Cumann Na Daoine with interactive videos and demo models
  • All work agreed and steered by the Network – liaise with Community Development Projects re governance

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